I became an woman today--i voted. I probably should have said 'I became an
adult today' but I'm here for shock value, much like the shock of the third party not winning. Just get rid of those fools. Here's another one for the Rickter scale (shock value 7.2):
President Barack Obama. I saw it coming while simultaneously being side-swiped. I know how to pick a winner, that's for sure. To be honest, I only voted for Obama because I would move to Canada if Palin ever became president. No matter who won this election, the next few years are sure to be less than perfect. Don't blame Obama because you hate his "socialist" ways. Hate Bush for setting up a shitty situation. And global warming. Who woulda thought this would have been such a landslide. At least I can hold my head up in conservative San Diego and back home in the OC. suck it, losers.
but maybe more shocking is that there is a black commander in chief. this is a historical moment. remember this day, cuz your grand kids will asking you about this. this event will be recorded in the same history books we learned about 2 world wars, the revolution, civil rights, etc. history is being made right before our eyes and we dont even have to read a text book to learn about it.
HOPE. CHANGE. PROGRESS. hopefully change is in progress.
thanks for fulfilling your civic duty.
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