Wednesday, November 19, 2008

history lessons

fact #1: I'm a history nerd.

Have you ever heard of the Trail of Tears? It was the forced migration of the five civilized Native American nations-- Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole-- into Oklahoma from their homelands. Many Native Americans died from exposure, disease, and starvation along the way.

Well, the past couple of days have resulted in a trail of tears of my own. One of my closest friend's mom passed away after a long and valiant battle against cancer. I called friends and let everyone know the heart-wrenching news, something I thought I wouldn't have to do at this age. Every repetition of the story made the news that more real. To add to that, another three friends suffered losses just like this one.

In any other case, I'd be glad to go home and see all my friends and family, something I haven't done in quite a while. But this was the first time in almost half a year that this group of friends would reunite. The last united occasion was washed white with our graduation garbs; this time our gathering was dressed in black.

But I think that besides this horrible loss, the most shocking realization was running through my phone book and noticing all the people in my life who have lost parents, have parents with terminal diseases, or have a broken family.  I dare say that they constitute a large proportion. 

But there's a beacon of light at the end of the trail. Although my friends were forced to leave a life they loved behind and make a dangerous journey to a life they may possible hate, there are survivors. Many cannot endure the trail and perish along the way. They take the easy way out to avoid going through this odyssey. But those at the end of trail can say that they made it. Remember that the trail of tears does not last forever; it may kill you to go through, but you're not given any other choice. 

However, if there was any beauty to the Trail of Tears of the 1800s, it was that tribes stuck together. You were never alone.

History may not always repeat itself, but it does find ways to reincarnate. 

My condolences and prayers are with you and your families.

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